10 句 Stan Lee 睿智名言 Marvel之父啟發我們對生命的熱情
今天全球影迷和漫畫迷要接受一個悲痛消息,Marvel 之父 Stan Lee 離世,終年 95 歲。這位曾經創作Spider Man、Iron Man、Fantastic Four、The Hulk等多個超級英雄,座佑銘是「Excelsior」(
「漫畫書對我來而言,就是大人看的童話書。」“Comic books to me are fairy tales for grown-ups.”「閱讀得更多,愈有能力成為一個說故事的人。」"The more you read, the better you’re going to become as a storyteller."「沒有挑戰的,並不是完整的生命。」"Life is never completely without its challenges."
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I owe it all to you,,, Rest In Peace Stan... #MCU #Excelsior #legend #rip #stanlee #TeamStark
「當年我只是希望這些漫畫書賣得出,令我不用被炒掉可以繼續交租。我萬萬沒想過我的作品會發展到這個程度,從來沒想過。」“I hope that these comic books would sell so I can keep my job and continue to pay the rent.Never in a million years could I have imagined that it would turn into what it has evolved into nowadays. Never."「錢當然好,但我最喜歡的是工作本身。」“Money’s okay, but what I really like is working.”「我曾經為自己是漫畫作家而感到尷尬,周遭的人要不就是在建大橋、或是做醫療相關工作。但後來我發現,娛樂是生命中很重要的一環,沒有娛樂大家可能會消沉至極。如果你有能力去娛樂人,你是在做一件好事。」“I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.”「常聽人說:恨不得快點退休,去過每天打哥爾夫球,或者出海之類的生活。我想,如果我去打哥爾夫球,會恨不得快點完場,然後回去構思下一個電視節目。」"Most people say, “I can’t wait to retire so I can play golf,” or go yachting or whatever they do. Well, if I was playing golf, I would want that to finish so I could go and dream up a new TV show."「有想法很容易,人人都有想法。但你要其他人對你的想法有回應,這個才難。」“To have an idea is the easiest thing in the world. Everybody has ideas. But you have to take that idea and make it into something people will respond to – that’s hard.“「沒有人的生命是完美的,每個人生命都有希望可以劃走的部分。」“No one has a perfect life. Everybody has something that he wishes was not the way it is.”最後是Stan Lee筆下的名句,這也是《蜘蛛俠》裡膾炙人口,Uncle Ben的對白。
「能力愈大、責任愈大。」“With great power comes great responsibility.”Stan Lee,謝謝你給予大家如此精彩和美好的創作,你的作品改變無數人的童年,豐富了大家的生命,而且會繼續流傳下去。一路好走,在天堂玩得開心!近年Stan Lee在他作品中的客串演出。https://youtu.be/HnByuUqMekoPhoto Source: Getty Image, Wired Magazine