另類 VS 騷:超模 Robyn Lawley 率領大碼模特兒當內衣天使,展現出自信就是美!

Victoria’s Secret 的天使們擁有魔鬼般身段、漂亮的天使面孔,穿著性感時尚的內衣,披著羽毛翅膀,真的宛如天使下凡,完美到令人瞪目结舌,相當震撼,令不少女生都想變成維密天使,但美麗真的只有一種嗎?早前,一直倡議  Plus Size Modelling 主義的大碼澳洲超級名模 Robyn Lawley 曾批評 Victoria’s Secret 的做法,反對他們一直推崇「性感尤物」的觀念,把男性對女性的傳統美麗定義作為品牌的宣傳手法,令不多微胖女生都此因這樣感到自卑或者欺凌。她曾發表過這樣的言論「 Victoria’s Secret 這 30 年間不斷推崇女性單一性的美麗,我們是時間改變 Victoria’s Secret 的思想,令他們的天橋上更加多元化,包容不同身形的女生!」 她並非空說,她曾在自己的社交平台推廣 #weareallangels 的活動,鼓勵女生傳上自己的相片,擁抱自己的獨特美。每當女生上載圖片同時 hashtag #weareallangels,內衣品牌 Third Love 便會捐出一個胸圍給 Support The Girls 團體,幫助無家可歸的女性。當時這個活動掀起了一陣熱潮,令大家開始關注女性美麗的意題。

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I have started an online petition -link in bio 👆 JOIN ME and lets help change the minds of Victoria’s Secret to be more diverse and inclusive of body shapes and sizes on their runways! Victoria Secret have dominated the space for almost 30 years by telling women there is only one kind of body beautiful. - you can read more in the link of my bio why it’s so important to encourage diversity for our future daughters sake. Until Victoria’s Secret commits to representing ALL women on stage, I am calling for a complete boycott of this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. It’s time Victoria’s Secret recognized the buying power and influence of women of ALL ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. The female gaze is powerful, and together, we can celebrate the beauty of our diversity. It’s about time Victoria’s Secret celebrated the customers that fuel its bottom line. Will you join me? 1 Sign the petition! 2 Encourage your friends not to tune in or attend the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show share a photo of yourself on Instagram, as you are (not airbrushed and beautiful), use the hashtag #weareallangels to share what makes you uniquely beautiful, please tag me so I can see (@robynlawley) and @ThirdLove For every person who shares a post with #weareallangels hashtag, ThirdLove will donate one bra to @isupportthegirls (a national non-profit that collects and distributes bras to homeless women and girls around the country !!!)

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昨日當 VS 騷進行得如火如荼之際,她在同一天率領一眾大碼模特兒如 Hayley Hasselhoff、Ashley James 和 Felicity Hayward 於倫敦舉行一場名為 “We are all Angels” 的內衣時裝秀。她們穿上 Simply Be 品牌的內衣,同樣披著羽毛翅膀,更走到街頭上演一場另類的VS 騷。縱使她們沒有完美的身段,但她們證明了每個女生都可以擁有自己的美麗。

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Thank you @simplybeuk for the diversity 🙌 I felt on fire being surrounded by gorgeous, hilarious and empowering women yesterday #weareallangels

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We're All Angels... remember that ❤️️ #morethanourbodies #wereallangels #fridayfeeling

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VS 今年邀請了白蝕症模特 Winnie Harlow 當維密天使,也算是一種突破,擁抱不同的美麗,但願在未來我們可以看到更多不同的女生當上維密天使,讓美麗從此變得更多元化。

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充滿 Wes Anderson 感的傢俱,讓你打造出極具藝術感的小蝸居!


淚灑當場:性感維密天使 Adriana Lima 告別 VS 騷,感動全場!